Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Welcome to "In the Kitchen with Mamie" -- an homage to my mother, with a little self-exploration tossed in for good measure. I figure if Julie could get to know Julia through preparing her recipes and blogging about it, I might be able to do something similar with my mother.

To begin, here's a photo of Mamie - in the kitchen, of course. 
Mamie in the Kitchen, Pueblo Drive, Circa 1973

I love this picture. It is emblematic of her joy in preparing for so many family gatherings. She loved to feed her family. And she was happiest when she was creating, whether in the kitchen, at the sewing machine, at the easel or in the garage conjuring up beautiful candle holders from other people's discarded lamp parts.

A child of the depression, born in the dust bowl of Oklahoma in 1923, Mamie was also one of the thriftiest people I've ever known. I thought about her this morning as I made my cup of coffee, certain she would have enjoyed the freshly brewed single cup of coffee with its delicate layer of crema, but knowing she would have balked at its cost. You see, I own a Senseo coffee maker (alas, Senseo is to Keurig as Beta was to VHS), and the coffee pods are both hard to find and darned expensive.

In this uncertain economic time (not to mention the fact that the facility where my husband, George, works will be shutting down by year-end), I find myself thinking more and more about the wisdom of her frugality. Growing up, I never felt that we wanted for anything. But looking back, I can recall the deft way she reused items that today I throw away without a thought after a single use.

In this blog, I hope to share recipes, family stories, entertaining ideas, thrifty tips and more.

So, here's to you, Mom! I love you. I miss you. I appreciate the lessons you've taught me -- many of which I am just now realizing. And I hope they have Wi-Fi in heaven so you can read my blog!

Fondly submitted,

Mamie's daughter

Next time, you'll learn about a Mamie-worthy gathering for 18...stay tuned!


  1. Ah, what a great memory of your mother to share with us readers. I, too, miss my mom dearly and reflect fondly on the many family gatherings at our house and, of course, mom was always the one in the kitchen.

    I look forward to reading more about Mamie .. and my dear friend, her daughter!

  2. Diane,

    Thank you so much for your kind words and for all the things you said. I'm so honored that my books have inspired you. You have no idea how much that means. I just started writing SLAMMED in December, my first ever attempt at writing a book. Here it is 7 1/2 months later and it's on The New York Time's Bestsellers list! You never know what your dreams can turn in to. And of course I have to quote my favorite band and say, "Decide what to be, and go be it." ~The Avett Brothers

    Good luck with your blog and with your writing and thank you so much! I think your passion will inspire others as well. <3

    1. Colleen, I am honored (and butterflying amazed) that you would comment on my blog.

      To my friends and family, please go read Colleen's books--they are amazing, and they inspired me to take a leap of faith with my own writing. Here's the Amazon link to SLAMMED

  3. Hurrah, Diane! What a treat to read your email, and especially your blog entry. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there; I’m so glad you did. I think it’s a wonderful idea to get to know your mother a little better through her recipes and cooking. I look forward to taking the journey with you. -- Sheila

  4. Love your new blog! I will be following it. I can't wait to try some of Mamie's recipes!!

  5. AWESOME!!! Hugs to all!!! Can't wait-write MORE!!! Tami

  6. I was so excited to see you writing this wonderful tribute to grandma. I have such fond memories of grandma cooking delicious food complimented by grandpa's Shirley Temple's and Grasshoppers ( non alcoholic of course). Can't wait to read more and the picture was wonderful to see. Have fun with this new adventure you are embarking on!

  7. Congratulations Diane. What an awesome adventure you've embarked upon. I'd love to put a link to it in the Weekly Connect - with your permission.
